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Choose Crazy Contact Lenses to Rock Your Style and Be the Centre of Attention

Choose Crazy Contact Lenses to Rock Your Style and Be the Centre of Attention

Petr 18. 08. 2021 Blog

If you want to make a real style splash then look no further, complete your outfit this Halloween with a range of crazy contact lenses and attract plenty of attention in the process. Make it an unforgettable evening; all your friends will see the clown, vampire, ghost, goblin or zombie in your eyes.

Create your own style with crazy contact lenses

Whether you're shopping for Halloween, a cosplay event, a show-stopping everyday look, create your ideal look with crazy contact lenses. Sometimes it is tricky to find fashion lenses that provide sufficient color coverage for dark eyes but that’s not the case when you check out crazy colored contact lenses. These lenses feature rich and vibrant color pigments to ensure that even the dark eyes can take on a bold new hue.

Unbeatable quality and your wallet-friendly prices

When it comes to buying colored contact lenses, style, comfort, and prices are the essential factors which you need to consider. In addition to that, all lenses should be manufactured by reputable brands using high-quality materials and provide a comfortable experience. Shop full CE approved crazy contact lenses so you will be confident that you are purchasing a genuine and safe product. 

Stand out from the crowd with these crazy contact lenses. They all come with full instructions and precautions such as:

  • Colored contact lenses must be stored in a solution that includes disinfectant. This keeps the lenses clean, safe and soft. Before you go to bed take out your lenses and place inside contact lenses case containing enough solution
  • Handle your contact lenses with care as they are soft and delicate. Wash your hands with soap and dry with soft towel.  After that when you take out lenses from your eyes, rinse each lens with fresh solution discard used solution, rinse out the lens case with fresh solution and store in a disinfectant solution
  • Seawater, lakes, river, swimming pools, and even tap water can cause an eye infection. While swimming, wearing contact lenses can lead to serious Acanthamoeba infections of the eye. Therefore, don’t wear contact lenses in the shower or while swimming
  • Use fresh disinfectant solution every time you store your crazy contact lenses
  • If you have not change the solution of your lens case, check the contact lenses 
  • In case, if you leave your lenses in the case for a long time, check the contact lens instructions or the lens solution directions that if you should re-disinfect them before wearing them. Don’t wear your contact lenses if they have been stored for 10 days or more without re-disinfecting.
  • For wearing and replacing your crazy contact lenses, you should follow the instructions of your eye doctor.
  • If you are not comfortable or have problems wearing crazy contact lenses, you should immediately contact your eye doctor because your vision could be worse.
  • Don’t drive or do not do any dangerous activities where you need clear and sharp vision
  • Never swap or use crazy contact lenses with your friend.