Different Types of Special Effect Colored Contact Lens
Petr 29. 08. 2021 Blog
Special effect contact lenses are soft contact lenses that are available for novelty and theatrical uses. It can be used just like colored contact lenses whether or not user wears contact lenses or eyeglasses. Most of these lenses are available with or without lens powers. So, it can be used for correction of astigmatism, far-sightedness and near-sightedness.
It is very important to understand that any types of contact lenses, which include special effect contact, are precisely classified as medical devices by Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In order to purchase these special effect contact lenses, users require a valid contact lens prescription from a licensed eye care doctor or practitioner in the US.
These lenses are safe to wear, only when they are properly prescribed and cared for, and purchased from a licensed source.
Poorly fitted, contaminated and improperly worn special effect contact lenses can cause bacterial eye injections that can lead to painful ulcer. In rare cases, it can also cause complete loss of vision.
Working of special effect contact lenses
It has a non-transparent tint to completely mask the natural eye color of the user. In order to meet the precise needs and demands of the user, it is available in a wide variety of designs and colors. Most novelty and costume cover just the colored portion of the eye (iris) but special effect lenses cover both the iris and the “white” portion of the eye.
Trends and designs available in special effect contact lenses
Different types of special contact lenses such as anime contact lenses, cat eyes, black scelera contact lenses and white contact lenses can be used giving final touch to the Halloween costumes of the customers. Now a days, current designs and trends in novelty and theatrical contact lenses are largely inspired by cult TV shows and movies.
Some of the popular special effect contact lenses are black, yellow and white special effect contact lenses that were worn on the popular TV show True Blood. Special effect contact lenses such as red and amber colored special effect contact lenses used in movies such as Breaking Dawn, New Moon and Twilight are also quite popular among young individuals in the USA.
Crazy contact lenses such as zombie, vampire, supernatural and rinnegan contacts are very popular crazy contact lenses among young individuals across the globe. Neo glow-in-the-dark and a mesh look contact lenses can be selected, if they want to try contact lenses that look creepier.