Everything you want to know about colored contact lenses - 1st part
Petr 23. 09. 2021 Blog
Everything you want to know about colored contact lenses - 1 part
Certainly each of us has ever wanted to change the color of their eyes, no matter whether hazel or blue. In today's modern world for such a change need not be a problem.
Therefore, we bring you a special series on the topic of colored contact lenses. In this first article we will try to bring you colored contact lenses - what exactly are colored lenses as they arise, to what types can roughly be divided and how you can start to wear them. The conclusion also answers frequently asked questions about color contact lenses.
For most color contact lens material is similar (not the same !) Material classical prescription lenses - nowadays it is mainly a hydrogel, which is incorporated into giving color shade of the lens, there is no need to worry that the color came into contact with the eye.
Then it is important how much of a color is, if the lens is lightly colored, has a colorful particles or the color is applied in several layers. Since then it depends on whether the lens cover - covers and dark eyes, some variants blend with your own eye color ( to cover ranks and Crazy lenses ) Toning - tone, or if is enhanced by the natural eye color, so it is advisable to choose a color a close eye color, if rather green and blue, or just brightens - glittering particles enhances the natural color.
How to start wearing colored contact lenses
In today's market it is available many types and models of colored contact lenses. Which one to try is one of the most common questions wearers of contact lenses colored lenses .
But the answer is always one, for the most unpopular: Any contact lenses, including color, should be tested for eye care professional. There are many reasons for this, which are described in detail in the article Why is the need to test new lens examination, and then a couple of side .
Before the first purchase is useful, to determine how the selected color suits you - every eye is individual, and its color, the shade after deployment colored lenses can be of several different individuals. Colored contact lenses are also often larger in diameter to cover the entire iris, which some holders may make the problem when deploying or have signs on the quality of vision - color extends into the field of view, the wearer sees " rainbow ".
Frequently asked questions about colored contact lenses
Does it matter if u colored contact lenses different curvature and diameter than I am for classic clear lenses?
It should not matter and do not need. More in the article Why is the need to test new lens examination.
Produced colored lenses in the same model, as I wear clear contact lenses?
Colored contact lenses - in some cases, the manufacturer has taken the color of the material already produced clear lenses and colored lenses thus created , but most colored lenses do not.
Changes colored contact lenses and dark eyes?
Yes, but it depends on the choice of the type of colored lenses, will tell us more practical professional.
What color would have suited me?
Inspiration can be found in one of the other articles in this series, which will focus on the appropriate eye colors according to the type of person. The resulting color is rather individual, it is best practice to test the color .
How long can I wear colored contact lenses?
Depending on the amount of color in the lens. Brightening Toning lenses can be worn during the day as long as conventional clear contact lenses. Cover and crazy lenses have been more paint layer and passes through them less oxygen to the cornea , they should therefore carry too long at a time or to use instead of prescription lenses to normal wear.