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Here are the different variants of Contact Lenses

Here are the different variants of Contact Lenses

Petr 12. 09. 2021 Blog

The two main types of contact lenses include: soft contacts that are made using water-containing plastic and the second one is less flexible gas-permeable lenses.

Soft contact lenses

As the name suggests, these contacts have a soft structure that is reminiscent of a piece of food wrap. Because of its plastic-like structure, these lenses are very comfortable to wear. In most cases, these lenses are bigger than their gas-permeable counterparts. A soft contact will cover the entire iris (the eye’s colored part) and the cornea (the eye’s transparent part).

These lenses are, by far, the most common ones that people like to wear. Replacement time for these lenses ranges from daily to six monthly; that is, these lenses can be replaced either every day or after every six months. (It completely depends on the soft contacts you choose and your requirements.)

Disposable contacts have become the most frequently used soft contacts nowadays. Additionally, these lenses can be made using a variety of materials, powers, and fittings; and that is why they are widely used for correcting visions. The soft contacts have water, and which is why they need to be kept in a specified contact-lens solution. (By storing these lenses in such a solution, they are avoided to be dried fully.) The plano cosmetic or zero-powered lenses—such a pair of cat eye contact lensesare, generally, made using soft contacts only.

Gas-permeable contacts

Since their invention, gas-permeable contacts have undergone several improvement programs. These lenses are made to allow oxygen to pass through them. When compared in size, these lenses are way smaller than the soft contacts; and they usually rest within an eye’s corneal area. These lenses come in a range of different fittings, materials, design, and power. In spite of the decline in the use of these contacts, they are recommended by eye specialists because they are more healthful.

These lenses are more preferable if they are used for a long-term or full-time wear when compared with soft contacts; for that reason, these lenses are way more durable, too. Further, these contacts are best suited for eyes that have an irregular shape. When talk about their replacement, these lenses should be replaced after every six or twelve months. Plus, the regular users of gas-permeable contacts find them very convenient to wear as well.

With this write-up, we hope that you are in a better position to decide which type of contacts suits your needs the most.